
Stuck in the Jungle!

 I walked down to the river yesterday and noticed the water level is 2 feet below the record highest water level, and it is only JUNE! It has been raining very heavily over the last few weeks, and this has taken a toll on the road to Iwokrama. There is only one road into Guyana's interior, and it is a bumpy, pot-hole ridden mud road, that worsens extensively in the rainy season. Below are some photos of the road conditions my family and I trekked over at the beginning of May, you can only imagine the conditions they are in now!

Since transportation into the interior is very expensive, a relatively affordable way of traveling into the interior is with the Intraserv Bus Service (around $8 000 Gy-$40 US). It usually takes around nine hours to travel from Georgetown to Iwokrama, and has excellent shocks to go over the bumps. Due to the heavy rains, there are numerous culverts and bridges that are now UNDER WATER, and the road is now uunpassable. As of May 31st, the intraserv bus has cancelled its service, until the road is repaired! Here is an article in the Stabroek News on the cancellation of the service.
As a result, Guyana's air services are clogged up with desperate travelers trying to find alternate methods of transport, despite rapid differences in cost. I just hope the road and the Intraserv service will be back up and running by July 14th!

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