
Getting the Guyana Travelbug!

The more packing and organizing I do, the more excited I get! There are so many things to remember its insane. And a challenge to fit everything I think I will need for 6 months into one backpack! And to know exactly what I will need living in a country I have never set a foot in before. Today, I bought a guide book solely dedicated to Guyana, which is extremely rare, normally there are only a few pages in a general guide book on South America focused on the country.

Here are some awesome links online about Guyana in case you want to learn more about this fascinating country:

The country is famous for its biodiversity, a lot of which is still being discovered

The country contains are some of the largest animals of its kind including the jaguar, the giant river otter, the anteater and river fish which takes three grown men to hold.

It has a Savannah that looks a lot like Africa

Contains the world's largest single drop waterfall, Kaiteur Falls

Here is a tour of the renovations at Iwokrama, where I am working.

 I will give more information later!


Flowers for a rainy monday

Everything is so drizzly and wet out today, I need some colour to cheer me up! I'm going to miss spring in BC. Went to the Island this weekend to visit all my loves in Victoria. It was hard saying goodbye to everyone, since I leave for Guyana so soon (9 more days!!). This weekend was amazing. I went for a beautiful walk up the inner harbour with Ross where we used to guide kayak tours, and on saturday night, Ross and I celebrated his birthday by staying in the Magnolia Hotel (birthday present from Ross' older bro!). This weekend was so relaxing and chill, wish it didn't have to end! Now back to reality...


Winter Cyclists

I am in Winnipeg right now training for my Guyana Internship placement which begins this February. One thing that shocks me about Winnipegers is there ability to bike in the wintertime! We're talking -20 with windchill. Walking from the Hostel to the office through the indoor passageways, or scampering from the doorway to the restaurant entrance, I marvel at the bikers flying past.

Here are some photos of spirited bikers from Copenhagen who are biking in the snow, although not in -20.



While I was in Tofino, I got accepted for the position of Project Assistant at Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation funded through Young Leaders for a Sustainable Future! I have decided to accept the position and will begin training next week in Winnipeg then travel down to Guyana by February 1st. I am very excited to start the internship although I know I will miss all my loved ones at home. My duties will be mainly the training and marketing advisor for the eco-tourism facilities on site. Check out the web site for more info!

Here are some beautiful photos of the Rainforest from this site

wish me luck! xo